
Showing posts from 2018


Communications are an essential part of any organisation to succeed. Communication’s meaning is to transmit information between two or more parties. The information is encoded by the sender and sent through a communication channel to a receiver who needs to decode the message. The role of communication is to create a common understanding between the sender and receiver of the message.  We can consider the communication as being effective, only when the receiver understands the message the way the sender intended. Organisational and corporate communication, have a similar meaning, with the remark the corporate communication term is used by many authors as being the communication related to private sector companies.  Corporate communication is a management function that offers a framework for the effective coordination in all internal and external communication with the overall purpose of establishing and maintaining favorable reputations with stakeholder groups upon...


“If sustainability is to become a persuasive vision, it needs a persuasive language.” Futerra Sustainability Communications 2007 Nowadays, companies are under continuous pressure to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. A sustainable organisation with high aspirations to minimize environmental impact should incorporate sustainability marketing communications within its communication strategy. However, the organisation must pay special attention to filtering the content and channels, to not be perceived as aggressive in communication or even worse, as greenwashing.  What should the organisation do when the planned change is about implementation of a new environmental management system (EMS) and the employees don’t know too much about it? Because, this implies changes in their behaviour, they have to know what EMS means, how it benefits them directly, for the organisation they work for, and the society they live in. In today’s competitive business environment, it...